
Metaphysical awareness...This is one of those things I just wish I could 'brand' into my brain.  P4K! It's the "ticket"...Thank you again,


Playing 4 Keeps


Metaphysical awareness...This is one of those things I just wish I could 'brand' into my brain.  P4K! It's the "ticket"...Thank you again,

Newsletter praise

Hi Professor... I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and look forward to your newsletter each month. I read every bit, whether it's a subject I'm interested in, or not. You have a great style of writing and I especially enjoy..."On the coat tales of a gambler". When, like this month, there's no continuing chapter, I can hardly contain my disappointment. But just like in gambling, there's always tomorrow...or in this month! Just thought I would whine a little bit and hope that you serve up a little cheese with it next month edition.  Have a GREAT YEAR!

Gary T.

Playing 4 Keeps

Gary T.

Hi Professor... I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoy and look forward to your newsletter each month. I read every bit, whether it's a subject I'm interested in, or not. You have a great style of writing and I especially enjoy..."On the coat tales of a gambler". When, like this month, there's no continuing chapter, I can hardly contain my disappointment. But just like in gambling, there's always tomorrow...or in this month! Just thought I would whine a little bit and hope that you serve up a little cheese with it next month edition.  Have a GREAT YEAR!

Coat Tales

Michael, I really enjoyed reading your last issue of the newsletter.  I appreciated your sage response to the 'Box Man' regarding dice setting.  Also, I am eagerly devouring the episodes of 'On the coat tails of a Gambler'.  You really have something interesting going on here.  More please! Gracias,


Playing 4 Keeps


Michael, I really enjoyed reading your last issue of the newsletter.  I appreciated your sage response to the 'Box Man' regarding dice setting.  Also, I am eagerly devouring the episodes of 'On the coat tails of a Gambler'.  You really have something interesting going on here.  More please! Gracias,

Dice Coach Says

I have been working with Michael for several years now. (2003) He is not only great at teaching the casino game of your choice, he’s also a great and genuine friend. I would trust Michael with anything I own. If you want to be Playing for Keeps, give Michael a call.

Beau Parker – “Dice Coach" - Las Vegas, Nevada

Playing 4 Keeps

Beau Parker – “Dice Coach" - Las Vegas, Nevada

I have been working with Michael for several years now. (2003) He is not only great at teaching the casino game of your choice, he’s also a great and genuine friend. I would trust Michael with anything I own. If you want to be Playing for Keeps, give Michael a call.

You care…

Thanks Michael, I appreciate your very thorough reply to my questions about craps and P4K - it shows me that you really care.


Playing 4 Keeps


Thanks Michael, I appreciate your very thorough reply to my questions about craps and P4K - it shows me that you really care.

Poker and Energy

Michael, thank you for the poker and metaphysical lessons. They were fun and informative. I felt that they will help my poker game next time I play. I won another sports bet after you left so I paid for your class that way. That was a good deal. See you soon one day.

Craig P. - 4/2012

Playing 4 Keeps

Craig P. - 4/2012

Michael, thank you for the poker and metaphysical lessons. They were fun and informative. I felt that they will help my poker game next time I play. I won another sports bet after you left so I paid for your class that way. That was a good deal. See you soon one day.


I enjoyed the newsletter and wish that table manners was made mandatory reading. It was nicely written by "The Professor". Thanks, for writing the Table Manners Article.

Barry 06/03/2014

Playing 4 Keeps

Barry 06/03/2014

I enjoyed the newsletter and wish that table manners was made mandatory reading. It was nicely written by "The Professor". Thanks, for writing the Table Manners Article.

Dancing Fool

Don’t make the mistake of underestimating Michael. He is a formidable warrior, a sage of awesome balance and knowledge, a darn good card player and (the true test of any teacher) a fabulous cook. Don’t make the mistake of believing this about gambling. Cards & dice, crystal balls, smoke & mirrors’, testing your connection to the force is a worthy part of the journey. Don’t miss out on any opportunities to expand and evolve. God knows there are few enough chances in each life (‘crossing three rivers’). Don’t bother pretending you don’t have time; we don’t have time for that. Try it, go ahead; ask Michael your question. You don’t get a chance like this every day. 'til we stand together (so let it be done), The Dancing Fool.

Bruce C. - San Diego, CA USA

Playing 4 Keeps

Bruce C. - San Diego, CA USA

Don’t make the mistake of underestimating Michael. He is a formidable warrior, a sage of awesome balance and knowledge, a darn good card player and (the true test of any teacher) a fabulous cook. Don’t make the mistake of believing this about gambling. Cards & dice, crystal balls, smoke & mirrors’, testing your connection to the force is a worthy part of the journey. Don’t miss out on any opportunities to expand and evolve. God knows there are few enough chances in each life (‘crossing three rivers’). Don’t bother pretending you don’t have time; we don’t have time for that. Try it, go ahead; ask Michael your question. You don’t get a chance like this every day. 'til we stand together (so let it be done), The Dancing Fool.

About Intention

Mike, Thanks for your article in the January newsletter 2014 about intention. A simple little thing like clearing my head and put emphasis on a goal has changed my game like nothing else that I have tried or read. Looking forward to getting your dice playbook soon.

Ole C. Davenport, FL 02/15/2014

Playing 4 Keeps

Ole C. Davenport, FL 02/15/2014

Mike, Thanks for your article in the January newsletter 2014 about intention. A simple little thing like clearing my head and put emphasis on a goal has changed my game like nothing else that I have tried or read. Looking forward to getting your dice playbook soon.

Thanks much

Hi Michael, A while ago you were nice enough to lend me a practice table for craps. I used it successfully but as time went on, I found myself going up to Cripple Creek less. The good news is that when I did go, the majority of the time, I did play well with P4K. I learned how to "read" the "energy" on a table and move on if necessary. It was a wonderful lesson in metaphysics. I would like to return the table to you. Perhaps someone else could benefit. I'm in Pueblo once a month, sometimes more. Can we arrange a time and date so that I may give it back to you. Thanks much.

Mitch - 07/11/2014

Playing 4 Keeps

Mitch - 07/11/2014

Hi Michael, A while ago you were nice enough to lend me a practice table for craps. I used it successfully but as time went on, I found myself going up to Cripple Creek less. The good news is that when I did go, the majority of the time, I did play well with P4K. I learned how to "read" the "energy" on a table and move on if necessary. It was a wonderful lesson in metaphysics. I would like to return the table to you. Perhaps someone else could benefit. I'm in Pueblo once a month, sometimes more. Can we arrange a time and date so that I may give it back to you. Thanks much.

My favorites so far…

Hi Professor, I just want to say thank you for the download copy of "Chronicles".  Is hard to believe that it is exactly what I realize on my own, but I never knew for certain, or how to develop it all. Am a bit more than 1/2 through it and two favorite parts are, “When the Wind Goes Out of the Sail”, and the part about the supermarket and picking out the melons.

Kimberly L.

Playing 4 Keeps

Kimberly L.

Hi Professor, I just want to say thank you for the download copy of "Chronicles".  Is hard to believe that it is exactly what I realize on my own, but I never knew for certain, or how to develop it all. Am a bit more than 1/2 through it and two favorite parts are, “When the Wind Goes Out of the Sail”, and the part about the supermarket and picking out the melons.


Hi Michael, I received your Chronicles and written material. This is quite absorbing and enlightening, Thanks again for sharing this with me, I will be sure to recommend your course to others. I have profited 75 units in my first 2 sessions while making several small errors in my play, and more surprisingly in a very relaxed way

Sincerely, E. W. Amurgis

Playing 4 Keeps

Sincerely, E. W. Amurgis

Hi Michael, I received your Chronicles and written material. This is quite absorbing and enlightening, Thanks again for sharing this with me, I will be sure to recommend your course to others. I have profited 75 units in my first 2 sessions while making several small errors in my play, and more surprisingly in a very relaxed way

Key to success

Michael Vernon's Chronicles of Playing 4 Keeps E-Book is a must read "top-shelf" e-book for anyone who loves the game of craps, blackjack and other casino games.  It provides the players with the most valuable skill key to success that any player will ever use!  This astonishing e-book provides serious players with the ability to become far more skilled players by the understanding and use of metaphysical information.

Perfecting the skill of using metaphysical information will give the player a "huge advantage" over his or her previous playing results.  To put it best, Michael's teachings, Newsletter Articles, and e-book writings provide the missing pieces to the "Gaming Expert's Success to Winning Games" puzzle!  Thank you Michael for your gift of providing us with a huge advantage and better odds for success the next time we step up to the gaming tables.

Jane B. - Boyertown, Pennsylvania

Playing 4 Keeps

Jane B. - Boyertown, Pennsylvania

Michael Vernon's Chronicles of Playing 4 Keeps E-Book is a must read "top-shelf" e-book for anyone who loves the game of craps, blackjack and other casino games.  It provides the players with the most valuable skill key to success that any player will ever use!  This astonishing e-book provides serious players with the ability to become far more skilled players by the understanding and use of metaphysical information. Perfecting the skill of using metaphysical information will give the player a "huge advantage" over his or her previous playing results.  To put it best, Michael's teachings, Newsletter Articles, and e-book writings provide the missing pieces to the "Gaming Expert's Success to Winning Games" puzzle!  Thank you Michael for your gift of providing us with a huge advantage and better odds for success the next time we step up to the gaming tables.

Energy is Knowledge

Hi Michael, Thank for the quick reply and your tremendous advice. Thank You! Energy comes from knowledge this will be a big help and a confidence boost for me personally and for my game.

Playing 4 Keeps
Hi Michael, Thank for the quick reply and your tremendous advice. Thank You! Energy comes from knowledge this will be a big help and a confidence boost for me personally and for my game. Bill

Gaming Essays Are Awesome

Hi Michael, I've also read and enjoyed ALL your essays from Dice Coach's website in the articles archives. I strongly recommend any player to preview prior to their gambling/casino's provided me Invaluable insights and 'saved' my bankroll and gifting my bets to the casino?! YAY

You have my permission to include/use my comments in your testimony page...  again,  your articles/essays offer awesome insights into craps & gambling...kudos my friend!

My 'awareness' level monitoring the ebb/flow in craps play is improving and yes there are definite signs/activity that determine the synergy during sessions I definitely endorse the 'energy' factor concept, it's always present but we as mortals somehow misread or ignore this influence on dice outcomes regardless who tosses the 'cubes'... Mahalo for your exceptional, informative dice, gambling essays. Aloha, Josh
Playing 4 Keeps
Hi Michael, I've also read and enjoyed ALL your essays from Dice Coach's website in the articles archives. I strongly recommend any player to preview prior to their gambling/casino's provided me Invaluable insights and 'saved' my bankroll and gifting my bets to the casino?! YAY You have my permission to include/use my comments in your testimony page...  again,  your articles/essays offer awesome insights into craps & gambling...kudos my friend! My 'awareness' level monitoring the ebb/flow in craps play is improving and yes there are definite signs/activity that determine the synergy during sessions I definitely endorse the 'energy' factor concept, it's always present but we as mortals somehow misread or ignore this influence on dice outcomes regardless who tosses the 'cubes'... Mahalo for your exceptional, informative dice, gambling essays. Aloha, Josh
Playing 4 Keeps