Playing 4 Keeps® Gaming Lessons

The Do’s and Don’ts of Dice™
Blackjack for Winners™
Texas Hold’em Poker
Applied Metaphysics
Free Blackjack Lessons
Free Craps Lessons

What to do Next?

Well, since I have retired, you can only get my
information found in either of my playbooks.

Do’s and Don’t of Dice and Blackjack for Winners

You can schedule an appointment with the Professor for a private gaming lesson. Simply send him an email. In the subject line, Include the game you wish to learn, Blackjack, Craps, Texas Hold’em Poker, or Applied Metaphysics. In the body of your email, provide , your name, a short statement of your gaming interest, and an approximate date for your lesson. The Professor will do his best to accommodate you. Email The Professor

After receiving your email message, the Professor will contact you to set up a brief interview to understand your needs, level of play, and the amount of lesson time you wish to commit to. A custom program will be designed to meet your playing needs.

Playing 4 Keeps® Lessons by the hour:

  • Minimum reserved time two hours.
  • Hourly rate $225                                                            Official PayPal Seal
  • Payment options: cash, check, or Pay Pal.
  • Luck has nothing to do with it when you are Playing 4 Keeps®

Email The Professor to schedule your private lesson.


Hey, don’t miss out on the next blog from “The Professor”.