Playing 4 Keeps® is more than a gambling experience, it’s a lifestyle.

“Luck has nothing to do with it.”

When you are Playing 4 Keeps® your casino gambling experience takes on a change in thinking and consciousness. Michael Vernon’s authority to teach and share his winning strategies for casino games results in his 29 years of devoted playing experience.

Michael Vernon is the only gambling instructor teaching user friendly approaches for consistent winning, coupled with the distinct and unique disciplines of “Applied Metaphysics”. He has years of research, as well as years of live casino play, for both casino craps and blackjack. In addition, for 17 years, (1983–2000) he worked with Start Wilde, the world renown author and lecturer of metaphysical phenomena. Michael and his wife owned, White Dove International Ltd., (1992-2000), which published and distributed Stuart’s audio recordings and books, and also promoted his seminars, including Easy Money – Mongolian Blackjack seminar.

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Rooted in these times of metaphysical discovery, Michael delivers unquestionably unique lessons for today’s gambler. Playing 4 Keeps® is more than a collection of proven winning strategies. Playing 4 Keeps® enhances the gaming experience for those individuals who are seeking answers. Answers that enrich and empower one’s life by living a life that follows a daily practice of applied metaphysics.

Recognized in the world of gambling, Playing 4 Keeps® continues as the cutting edge, with Michael’s approach of strategically applying metaphysics to casino game. Now, you can own Michael’s cutting edge strategies and his secrets for applied metaphysics in his Do’s and Don’ts of Dice and Blackjack for Winners playbooks.

How I know this to be true

I am Michael Vernon. I began to acquire my knowledge of gambling in 1993, while producing Stuart Wilde’s Easy Money, Mongolian Blackjack, held in Tahoe, California. Using metaphysical applications that I learned from Stuart, I experimented with countless strategies and methods of play for both craps and blackjack. Along the way, I documented my results. I discovered that the plays performing with the most consistency were statistically verified having the lowest house edge. However, the primary influence on my success resulted from my knowledge of “Applied Metaphysics.” Playbooks

For three years, I kept a detailed journal documenting each session played for blackjack and craps. The documentation confirmed my winning sessions were directly proportional to the consistent use of the strategies, in tandem with “Applied Metaphysics.” With this assurance and authentication, I created Playing 4 Keeps® gaming programs for craps and blackjack. In 1995, Playing 4 Keeps® appeared on the world wide web.

Playing 4 Keeps®, conservatively, means having the least exposure to risk with the best rate on return per bet investment. Playing 4 Keeps® is all about winning and keeping what you win. Think about it; after all, it’s your money. Shouldn’t you be Playing 4 Keeps®? Check it out. Playbooks and Join Playing 4 Keeps®

Not by accident, it is synchronicity

It is not by accident, that you have discovered Playing 4 Keeps®. Metaphysical energy attracts those things that you need to know. Because you have an intention to discover more, synchronicity delivers you to the right place, at the right time, and with the right action. Bookmark this page. Come back often and take some time to learn more about applied metaphysics as it relates to gambling. Do’s and Don’ts of Dice and Blackjack for Winners.

Read Michael’s articles here at the Playing 4 Keeps®  website. If you are on a quest, seeking the best way to invest your money and play to win, you have arrived. Michael welcomes you to a new way of playing the game. You can win them all!

Michael’s articles are also published at and When you are in Las Vegas, book a private dice lesson with Beau Parker, The Dice Coach.

Don’t miss out on the excitment, read Michael’s On the Coat Tales of a Gambler episodes. Follow the advertures of a real life gambler, Scarpone Ladrón and his sidekick, Sailor, as told to the Professor by Sailor. Go back in time to the 1960’s when illeagal gambling was wide open in the South.

IMG_4415_opt Michael Vernon shares his powerful player’s advantage in his Playing 4 Keeps® playbooks. You will learn how perception of metaphysical energy allows you to “peer” into other dimensions and “perceive” the subtle information, which provides an extraordinary edge for your gaming experience. Do’s and Don’ts of Dice and Blackjack for Winners.

“See what others can’t and know what others don’t.”

Like What…You Ask?

Michael presents the best methods for playing casino games and something else, much too important to ignore, “applied metaphysics”. With knowledge of esoteric metaphysical principles you can learn to glean subtle information from the near future when playing casino games as well as in your daily life. The person you get out of bed with is the same person you take to the casino. Employing applied metaphysics is a lifestyle.

The lessons Michael shares were experienced during his years as confidant to Stuart Wilde. In addition, Michael I gained undeniable insight, gaming skills, and strategies, confirmed during his 29 years of successful gaming experience. Playbooks and Join Playing 4 Keeps®

Playing 4 Keeps®

  • It is not just about the strategic plays for Craps and Blackjack that every successful player should know.
  • Playing 4 Keeps® provides players with esoteric, ancient wisdom, hidden information from behind the “veil”.
  • By peering into another dimension, with one’s perception, it is possible to tap into the energy found there.
  • Tapping into the energy reveals the subtle information held in the near future.
  • “Applied Metaphysics” is unique to Playing 4 Keeps®.
  • Luck has nothing to do with it, when you are Playing 4 Keeps®!
  • Have the luck of the Irish on St. Patrick’s Day.

It’s not Gambling When You are Playing 4 Keeps®

Questions Asked and Answered Here…

Blackjack for Winners

Do’s and Don’ts of Dice

My playbooks provide a complete package to assure consistent winning success. Being successful at gambling requires knowledge and experience. Throwing chips and money around without a battle plan will not get you very far in the long run. Whether it’s craps or blackjack, your successful play hinges on your investment in knowledge and learning how to improve your game. With my instructional gaming programs, you will increase your chances of winning using “applied metaphysics” along with my betting strategies.

Do’s and Don’ts of Dice and Blackjack for Winners

It is not by accident that you have arrived.

Happenstance or coincidences does not explain the attraction of like energies. Think of the laws of attraction like magnets that click together. Thought forms or ideas align and they are drawn together by the laws of metaphysical attraction. Intention, which affirms a goal, attracts the goal. If you are looking for esoteric strategies for winning, your search is over. Playbooks  Winning is not just for casino games. What about winning in the game of life? Playing 4 Keeps® employs secret metaphysical principles which you can use in any game of chance, as well as to empower and enhance specific elements in your life.

Michael is the only gaming instructor sharing the secrets for perceiving metaphysical energy. When using “applied metaphysics”, a player benefits from advanced information for the game. For example, assessing the game’s conditions for right timing, having the knowledge of when to enter a game and to sense when it is time to exit, provides an advantage.Chip Lady

When it comes to Playing 4 Keeps® Luck has nothing to do with it!

Playing 4 Keeps® is not a slick collection of gimmick plays with phony and unobtainable results. Playing 4 Keeps® is user friendly, methodical and with math making it the real deal. Best of all it is not priced at thousands of dollars. What you will receive with Playing 4 Keeps® is the result of Michael’s continuous research, and study, along with countless hours of successful casino play. In short, Playing 4 Keeps® is all about minimizing your risk and maximizing your opportunities for the ultimate gaming experience. Playbooks

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Playing 4 Keeps! After All, it’s your money!

Hello Michael, I have to say though, as I was reading some of your articles that you wrote, you explain yourself very clearly. That was one of the main reasons why I purchased your playbook. Sending you a big “THANK YOU!” for your dedication, research, lessons, and help on playing the game of craps. Keep up the good work. My game has improved thanks to you. A grateful customer, Andrew

Join Playing 4 Keeps®

“You can discover more about a person in an hour of play than in a year of conversation.” Plato

On Change: “Accept who you are. Acknowledge those things that you want to change. Expand the possibilities through an awareness of all that is. Behavior is changed as the conscious and subconscious minds are convinced by experiencing consistent motivation and right action. You can have anything you want, except for one thing, you have to want it!”  Michael Vernon

Testimonials used with permission

Hi Michael, After a few years hiatus from Cripple Creek, I have made three trips recently. Like riding a bike, “P4K” came back easy. Walked away with a profit each time, but more importantly I had a great time. I totally believe that much of my success is from tuning into the metaphysical, knowing when a table has bad energy, and picking up my chips and leaving. Thanks for the help. Mitch

Hi Michael,  I’ve also read and enjoyed ALL your essays from Dice Coach’s website in the articles archives. I strongly recommend your information to any player, to preview prior to their gambling/casino experience…it’s provided me Invaluable insights and ‘saved’ my bankroll and gifting my bets to the casino! YAY

My ‘awareness’ level monitoring the ebb/flow in craps play is improving and yes there are definite signs/activity that determine the synergy during sessions I definitely endorse the ‘energy’ factor concept, it’s always present but we as mortals somehow misread or ignore this influence on dice outcomes regardless who tosses the ‘cubes’… Mahalo for your exceptional, informative dice, gambling essays. Aloha,  Josh

Michael, I recently bought your book, “Do’s and Don’ts of Dice”, and I wanted to tell you that I really liked it, not only for the methods it teaches (SDR and P4K betting, money management and dice setting), but also for the “unseen dimension” and energy flows. I had never thought of trying to tap into energy in this way to perceive the future outcome of a roll of the dice or to get a “sense” of the prevailing energy to see if it supports a positive outcome in the game (I like winning better than losing!) Karen. P. Fremont, CA  Buy it Now

Professor: I received your dice playbook this past week-end and I have read it with great interest. I like the SDR approach to gambling and especially like the 6/8 progression when these numbers are in a repeating phase. I have been testing them for several days now and have found that it does manage the bankroll better than anything I tried before.

Also, if you have any recommended reading on the metaphysical aspects of your teaching. I would like to improve my skills in this area. I can see how knowing what the energy is around the table would be a huge advantage to the game. I also can see this applied to the electronic craps games that we enjoyed on our last visit to Las Vegas. Your recommendations will be greatly appreciated. J.B. Houston, Texas  Buy it Now

Michael, thank you for the poker and metaphysical lessons. They were fun and informative. I felt that they will help my poker game. That was a good deal. On top of my poker winnings, I won another sports bet, so I paid for your lesson. See you soon. Craig P.

Hey, Professor, I just wanted to say I thoroughly enjoyed your posted article regarding “Table Manners”. I agree totally with your points and wish all others would be forced to read this article before entering a game. Common courtesy is a major issue. Thanks Professor for the great article! Mike from Canada

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