You Can’t Force a Hand
A while back, I wrote about a personal learning experience and how I overcame struggle. In my article, “I Don’t Get It” I told a story of my frustration while trying to teach myself how to play blues harmonica.
The frustration arose from not being able to play a “blue note”. It was not for lack of expert instruction or desire to gain the skill. It was simply the difference between trying too hard, doing it “my way” and not fully understanding the physics involved. As with any worthwhile endeavor, commitment to the goal is a necessary component for success. However, if pursuing the goal means doing the same thing over and over, without any awareness of the lack of progress, it is comparable to spinning wheels on an icy slope.
In the icy slope scenario, applying more power to the wheels only increases the spinning. Forcing the wanted goal, by trying to move the car forward with an acceleration of power, actually makes the road’s surface worse. By demanding illogical results out of frustration, the same reaction continues until the car becomes hopelessly stuck. The same scenario is experienced at the gaming table when you try to force a hand. When using the wrong approach, no matter how hard you try or pray, you cannot make something happen. You will just be hopelessly stuck, spinning your wheels.
Ego hates spinning wheels and fuels frustration with irrational behavior, just like gunning the motor. Delivering more power creates a futile situation. The same is true at the gaming table. It’s no different from reckless betting or chasing a loss, for example.
You cannot make something happen. You can’t force a hand. However, you are not a powerless victim. You have options about which things to act upon. First of all, you play your best game with a winner’s intention of drawing winning energy to your hand. Second, you attune to the energy in the present moment. Listen to the “little voice” within. Pay attention to every detail of the game. Subtle messages provide you with valuable information for the present time and for the near future. Be vigilant, with a keen awareness of your feelings. Have awareness of your emotions and sensations in your body. Notice all things, so that you do not miss the “road signs” that can direct your winning ways.
Allow yourself to be “in flow”, sensing the energy that is present. Notice whether you are “fighting the current”, engaging ego to combat frustration or desperation. After all, negative emotion sets the stage for more low energy experiences. The challenge of the game is great. No point in adding to the house advantage by being emotionally out of balance.
Additionally, being detached from the outcome provides for an unobstructed channel enabling you to draw “winning energy”, which is a manifestation of your clear intention. Your intention well be affirmed by your emotional discipline. Aligned to the energy, in flow, and aware of all things, you can ride the energy wave, like a surfer observing how the wave will crest. You guide your actions by perceiving the wave. You make the choice to follow the wave or not. Become one with the wave and it can take you for a fun ride. Forcing yourself into a rogue wave ends with you upside down with sand in your togs.
Last, don’t forget, sometimes you must admit that it’s not your time to ride the wave and walking away is your best play. Walking away is proactive and empowering. Trying to force a hand on a slippery slope can land you in the ditch. You can never lose by walking away. The application of this critical piece of information is what separates the P4K player from those who insist upon keeping the lights lit in the casino.
Reminds me of a little saying I wrote.
Sometimes the game
does not go your way
and you have to submit
to the one that got away.
Pick up you chips
and call it day.
Remember that walking
may be your best play.
© Copyright 2018 by Michael Vernon