Why Not You?…George Did It!
In honor of George Washington’s’ birthday.
You can have anything that you want, except for one thing; you have to really want it!
The use of intention is not wimpy or passive, like hoping or wishing for something to happen. Strong intent is a powerful way of attracting an outcome in your life. Seeing what you want, in your mind’s eye, creates an opening for it to be delivered into your life. It starts with, “What do you really want?” Since time is an invention of man, delivery on intention is subject to the energy behind the intention. When do you want it? “I want it now!” What are you willing to do? “I am willing to do whatever it takes!” That’s what makes intention special. Intention requires action. Intention is something you can be involved in to influence the outcome. Unlike a hope or a wish, working with intention allows for active participation on your part. You can’t just sit on your duff, wondering why nothing good happens for you. The forces of Universal Law will never find you.
George Washington was colonel in the provincial militia during the French and Indian War. Although Washington was a successful leader in battle, during the war, he was never granted a royal commission, as an officer, in the British Army. This was due entirely on the fact that he was a colonial farmer of Virginia. As a colonel in the provincial militia, Washington was looked upon as a second class officer by commissioned officers of the British Army. Washington’s ambition was to become a royal commissioned officer in the British Army.
With the ensuing American Revolution, Washington got his chance for military recognition. Being a former military commander, Washington received an invitation to attend a meeting of the Continental Congress. He arrived at the meeting wearing a military style uniform that he had fashioned himself. The uniform, along with his 6’3” stature, so impressed the members of the Continental Congress that they agreed to appoint Washington commander general of the Continental Amy.
Washington created an intention which affirmed his goal. He sustained a thought form that manifested in reality. “I will have my commission. I have what it takes. I will never quit”! This is how Universal Law works. It mirrors back the intention and dedication that an individual expresses through directed metaphysical energy. Aligning with personal energy, your intention creates astonishing, almost unstoppable, power. The Continental Congress acknowledged Washington’s energy. George Washington was their obvious choice to command the Continental Army. He was a “natural” to lead the American Revolution.
Intention is empowered with an inward feeling of complete confidence. Knowing that you are totally dedicated to your intention, propels your confidence. You take ownership in the belief that your goal has already manifested. All intentions have energy associated with them and, the stronger the energy, the more likely an intention is to manifest. Universal Law is benevolent. It is also omnipotent, waiting to inter act with your energy, and the delivery your intention.
Think of empowering your intention to be like a train leaving the station. There may be cars in the train holding unnecessary baggage. Gaining momentum requires you to detach from unwanted friction dragging on your energy. As the train is moving along, you work on yourself to eliminate beliefs that no longer serve you. The dragging friction lightens as you uncouple unwanted cars holding old baggage. You release dogma and antiquated thought forms. New ways of thinking and fresh ideas empower a new behavior. The new ways expand your energy and the train gathers speed. Your intention is reinforced and as a result and it draws more positive energy.
How this works is partially through your awareness. As you become more aware of your actions and observe yourself, you tweak your life by eliminating those things pulling you down. You detach from your physical being and observe yourself from a heightened state of consciousness. The observing “higher self” supports the goal of intention. If your intention is less than your best, the observing “higher self” holds you accountable with a reminder of your purpose and intended mission.
Affirming that you deserve the best reflects back to you, a process of Universal Law. Dedicated to your best effort demonstrates a commitment in deed, a necessary behavior in support of your intention. You affirm to never settle for anything less than your best, in all that you do. Keep in mind that your intention honors who you are. Your intention is focused clearly on your goal. That which you are seeking is out there and you are devoted to finding it.
You push out ahead of time with the energy of your intention. Just like Washington, you draw the goal towards you through the power of the energy driving your intention. You create an energy which attracts what you desire, just like two magnets. Click, click!
Some of you may be thinking, “Wait a minute…Washington’s desire to become a royal commissioned officer in the British army never happened.” Your right! Moral for the lesson, accuracy of Universal Law cannot be guaranteed. Careful with intention, clearly define and state simply what you want out of life.